
If you are interested in doing a master project or internship on the topic of visual analytics or visualization, feel free to reach out to one of the visualization cluster members. Below you can find an overview of the main supervisors and their research interests to give you an impression of what is possible.

You can have a look also at publications and group members to identify potential matches with your interests here. Check the master projects for further and more detailed potential projects. Notice that the possibilities are not limited to these projects.

For more information about the graduation process, check out the graduation checklist on Canvas.


Alessio Arleo
Alessio Arleo
Assistant professor

I am currently working on topics closely related to dynamic network visualization, information diffusion, and visual analytics. If the intricacies of graph algorithms on continuous time and their applications on understanding complex diffusion phenomena (malware diffusion, pathogen spread, fake news proliferations) fascinate you, we can discuss projects and collaborations. I'm also active information visualization and viz. for process mining and currently co-operating with different institutions throughout Europe. If you are interested in working in any of these topics, get in touch!

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Andrei Jalba
Andrei Jalba
Assistant professor

If you are a motivated master student looking to start your final project on topics such as point-cloud/shape/(medical) image processing, high-performance/parallel computing (particularly on the GPU), modeling and simulation for graphics, please contact me to discuss the possibilities. In any case, please do not send a generic application, but instead, let me know the topic you want to work on and any further details/ideas you may have.

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Anna Vilanova
Anna Vilanova
Full professor

We can offer projects that range from fundamental to applied in the fields of visual analytics, medical imaging visualization and visualization for explainable AI. External projects are also possible in collaboration with companies and medical hospitals (e.g., Philips and Elizabeth hospital). If this area of research sounds interesting to you and you are interested in hearing more about the possibilities or you are interested in a project in this field, please let me know!

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Fernando Paulovich
Fernando Paulovich
Associate professor

My research interests revolve around information visualization and visual analytics, focusing on integrating machine learning and visualization to take advantage of the automation provided by machine learning approaches and user knowledge enabled through visualizations to solve data science problems. My primary focus has been on designing and developing techniques to advance the concept of data analysis democratization, a step forward to data democratization, widening the analytic capability of lay users in transforming data into insights. If you are interested in researching how humans can "cooperate" with machines to generate knowledge, do not hesitate to contact me!

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Huub van de Wetering
Huub van de Wetering
Assistant professor

I am interested in creation of applications that help users to make sense of data using visual analytics; especially if this brings about the development of new information visualization and/or interaction techniques. Any application domain will do. My current interests include genealogy visualizaton, spatial-temporal event visualization, e.g. related to sports.

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Maxime Chamberland
Maxime Chamberland
Assistant professor

My research interests are driven by a passion to improve our understanding of the human brain by developing neuroimaging visualization & analysis methods. My main focus includes the development of software to navigate the brain's white matter architecture using diffusion MRI tractography. If you have any interests related to 3D Computer Graphics, Deep Learning, Anomaly Detection, Statistical Visualization and Medical Image Analysis in general, please get in touch!

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Stef van den Elzen
Stef van den Elzen
Assistant professor

I want to push the field of visual analytics forward, both in terms of application/concepts and theoretical foundations. If you are looking for a Master project in the area of visual analytics, explainable AI, (dynamic) network visualization, or a combination of these, please reach out to me! 

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