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Project: Illustrative volume rendering on consumer graphics hardware


In the field of computer graphics, illustrative techniques are generally applied to produce stylised renderings. Typically, these simplified depictions produce much clearer images; comprehensibly presenting the content of the data. We investigate a hardware-rendered implementation of an illustrative framework for rendering medical volume data, based on particle systems. This implementation allows interactive inspection of the volume data, exploiting parallelism in both consumer graphics hardware and particle systems. The particle systems provide a general and scalable rendering approach, founded just on the local data surrounding each particle.
The implementation presented in this thesis comprises a renewed version of the existing illustrative framework, VolumeFlies, proposed by S. Busking [6]. The proposed hardware-rendered particle system, as well as the real-time curvature estimation, rely on the recently introduced geometry shaders, and can be applied as general building blocks in future applications.

Roy van Pelt
Huub van de Wetering
Secondary supervisor
Anna Vilanova