VinciTech is a robot company that is developing a lightweight robotic platform for collaborative tasks. This robotic platform is intended to work alongside people, as a COllaborative roBOT (COBOT). The robot arm itself is made of Igus Robolink W components. In a previous MSc project, the TU/e has developed an online dynamic environment reconstruction algorithm based on a depth camera and radial basis functions (RBF) interpolation that provides an environment description that can be used in conjunction with a robot controller for executing motion tasks while avoiding static and, in particular, dynamic obstacles (see Figure 1 for an illustration). In this new MSc project, we want to go further, by integrating multiple cameras, speeding up the environment reconstruction rate (30 Hz or more). The use of multiple cameras is essential in removing the unavoidable shadow created by the robot and moving agents entering the scene.
DetailsPrevious experience with open-source robotics software (rViz, Gazebo, ROS) and parallel computation (openMP, Invia CUDA) are highly appreciated.