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Project: Visualizing ASML TWINSCAN event log history


ASML's wafer scanners play a crucial part in the process of making computer chips. They pattern an optical mask of hundreds of chips onto a silicon disc, a so-called wafer. There is no one that knows everything there is to know about a wafer scanner. As such they are black boxes to their engineers. When such a machine fails, there are a number of tools that either analyze the fault automatically or allow an engineer to do it manually. So there is no lack in support for diagnosis. While dealing with the problem, it is desirable to get a bigger picture of the machine. This would show what happened prior to the fault. Despite this, ASML lacks a tool that allows them to quickly get an idea what a wafer scanner has done over a longer period of time. This thesis describes an interactive visualization of TWINSCAN event logs. An interactive prototype was designed and built that allows a user to quickly see what a wafer scanner has been doing using familiar concepts. When desired, details of specific periods in time are displayed.

Han van Venrooij
Jack van Wijk
External location
ASML - Veldhoven