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Project: Behavioral change visualization for GameBus


This graduation project aims to visualize behavioral change of people who use the mobile health application GameBus. GameBus is an application which promotes healthy behaviors (e.g. physical, social and cognitive activities) according to the age and interests of the user. Currently, analyzing the data of GameBus is time-consuming since there is no tool available to investigate and explore the behavior of GameBus users. Hence, a tool was created combining various visualization techniques to capture multiple types of behavior.

The implemented visualization tool, called GameBus Insight, allows the data analyst to explore the data of GameBus and see if a group of people have changed their behavior and why they have changed their behavior. This is done by comparing the behavior of multiple groups of people over multiple time periods.

Behavior can be measured in many ways. GameBus Insight uses adaptable measurements of behavior which make the tool flexible and future proof. Furthermore, this allows applications with a similar data structure as GameBus to also be investigated with GameBus Insight.

Joep Wijnhoven
Huub van de Wetering